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Tortilla Española de Emi

I first "met" Emi from Barcelona playing spades on the on the internet. That was some time ago, and we have been through some times since then. She and her husband run an engineering firm (or it runs them). They have a Golden Lab named Nusette. With any luck, we will meet this year, as they are working on a job with a local architect here.

Anyway, those of you with a keen eye will see this recipe calls for no flour, corn, masa harina or any grain product at all. That is because Spanish tortillas are flat egg dishes and not the flat bread of Mexico. From what I hear, they are quite popular and served as appetizers, breakfast, suppers or anytime.

Recipe for 4 people:

  • 5 eggs
  • 10 medium potatoes
  • 2 onions (finely chopped)
  • Olive Oil
  • 1 green Pepper
  • 1 red Pepper


Roast peppers in the oven or in the grill. Leave to chill a little and peel the skin and the seeds .

Marinate the peeled peppers with virgin olive oil and salt. Reserve.

Peel the potatoes and cut them in not very thick, irregular pieces. Add olive oil in the frying pan to medium-high fire and when the oil is hot add potatoes. Cook the potatoes over medium fire without stop. Add salt.

When the potatoes are almost done, add the cut onion on the potatoes. When the mixture be golden take it off the fire, drain the oil and set aside.
In a medium-sized bowl, beat the eggs lightly, add the potatoes and the onion and mix thoroughly. Mix it all well.

Put a little oil in the frying pan and when it’s hot, pour the mixture of egg, potato and onion. Cook only to jell the omelette, for which should be little time. When it appears firm, it is time to flip.
Take a plate and place it over the pan. Flip the two over, which puts the omelette on the plate, cooked side up. Use the plate to gently slide the uncooked side of the omelette into the pan. Allow it to cook over low heat until firm.
Serve the omelette accompanied by the roasted peppers.

Important Note: it is preferable that the omelette not be over cooked. It still should be moist inside.

Accompany by a good red wine.